The pages are live and functional, the design is freely customisable. You can test the web forms live. We do not use your data for marketing campaigns and delete them automatically.
Unfortunately, the pandemic makes it necessary: tourism, gastronomy, services and trade must record the contact data of visitors and guests without gaps.
This serves the authorities to trace infection chains and protects the health of all fellow human beings.
Important but at this point, of course, the DSGVO applies to the collection of this personal data.
To make the necessary collection for you and your guests so fast and easy, we have designed an efficient solution for data collection and data management based on our platform technology and web forms:
Your guests decide which data they provide, or you specify mandatory fields. The legal requirements, for the obligation to inform about the purpose of data processing, are already met at the time of collection.
From now on, no more paper lists, Excel spreadsheets and most importantly, no risk of data breaches.
Get to know us today and make an appointment!
Web-based, our SaaS platform is the ideal basis for personal data management:
in a centralised system.
The flexible data model and extensibility through secure REST API interfaces ensure seamless integration into your IT system environment.
Andres Dickehut, CEO Consultix GmbH
The security and privacy compliance of ProCampaign® is evidenced by various certificates. The Marketing Cloud has already been awarded the EuroPriSe-Zertifikat, three times. The certificate goes far beyond ISO 27001 for information security - for which we also have certification.
EuroPriSe looks at the latest criteria from Privacy By Design, Privacy by Default, Security by Design to contractual regulations and other aspects based on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), everything that has to do with the protection of personal data.
More on the subject of DSGVO and ProCampaign® at
You can find more information about ProCampaign® at